Posted on: MAR 26, 2024
Wouldn’t it be great if you could make you favourite coffee at home and it tasted just as good as it does in a coffee shop? Well now you can, with our ‘How to’ series we will guide you through making coffee at home.
This article includes what a Macchiato coffee consists of, the history of the Macchiato and how it came to be, along with a simple step-by-step guide showing you what you need and how to make a Macchiato coffee, just like a barista.
II - What You Will Need
III - Step-By-Step Guide
IV - FAQ's
About the Macchiato
A macchiato coffee, which is sometimes referred to as an espresso macchiato, consists of a shot of espresso marked with milk foam, so it’s a relatively simple drink to make. The milk foam is used to add a hint of creaminess to the espresso, but without overwhelming it. Adding too much milk would lead to making a Cortado, rather than a macchiato. Traditionally, a macchiato coffee is designed to not be stirred, so that the person consuming it drinks the foamed milk first and the shot of espresso afterwards.

The word Macchiato translates to ‘spotted’ or ‘stained’ in Italian, which refers to the spot of milk foam added to the top of the espresso. It is said that the Macchiato coffee was first invented, or named, in the 1980s. Apparently, it was named because baristas wanted a distinction between a plain espresso and one which features milk foam. However, the Macchiato coffee has evolved since its invention, with variations now being found around the world. For example, latte macchiato coffee, which refers to adding a shot of espresso into the same amount of milk as a latte.
What You Will Need
- 18g of coffee beans or coffee ground for espresso. We recommend our Guatemalan Coffee.
- 30ml of milk.
- A coffee grinder (only if you are using coffee beans).
- Equipment to make the espresso (this can be automatic or manual).
- A tool to foam milk (this can be your machine or a handheld milk frother)
- A jug to froth your milk in.
- A thermometer
- An espresso cup.
Step-By-Step Guide
Step 1 - Grind your coffee beans (18g) to a fine consistency, similar to table salt.
Step 2 - Make the espresso with your ground coffee, with your chosen equipment.
Step 3 - Froth your milk (30ml) using your desired method (please note: you will need to heat your milk up first if you’re using a handheld milk frother). You’re looking for a light and fluffy or ‘dry’ type of foam.
Step 4: Pour the milk foam onto the espresso. Pour the foamed milk as close as you can, in the centre of the cup.
How hot should my milk be if I’m using a handheld frother?
Your milk should be heated to around 150-160°. Top Tip: Hold your frother just below the surface of the milk to create the foam.
Why is a macchiato in certain coffee shops different to this?
Some coffee shops may just call a latte macchiato a macchiato coffee. So if you’re ordering in a coffee shop, you may need to ask for an espresso Macchiato to make sure you are getting this version!
What’s the difference between an espresso macchiato and a latte macchiato?
As mentioned previously, a latte macchiato is when a shot of espresso is added to the same amount of milk as a latte, leading to a lot more of a delicate flavour than a traditional espresso macchiato, which only features a small amount of milk foam on top.
I’m not sure where to start when it comes to making coffee at home.
We understand there’s a lot to take in when it comes to making coffee at home, especially using a coffee machine. We recommend taking our Home Barista Experience, where you can learn to get the best out of your home machine.
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