Posted on: AUG 20, 2014
Arabica beans and Robusta beans are two of the most popular beans that are used for coffee production. But they often get mixed up or assumed to be the same, in this blog we are going to go into more detail about the differences between these two coffee beans.
Arabica coffee beans
Arabica beans are found in subtropical climates where they grow best at altitudes of 900 to 1800 metres. Arabica trees are considered to be a lot more delicate than other species. They are susceptible to frost and if the temperature plummets, they risk losing their cherries and their leaves. On the other hand, they also do not cope well with extremes of heat and require shade for them to thrive.
Robusta coffee beans
Robusta coffee beans are able to grow in much harsher climates. They can be cultivated at lower altitudes and require little rainfall to grow. Robusta bushes are more common in Central and West Africa and South East Asia. Robusta bushes are far more resistant to disease than Arabica trees.
World coffee production
Now we have spoken a bit about the individual beans, how often are these beans produced? Normally, after three to four years, coffee trees will begin producing fruit however, the best crop will not appear until the tree is 6 to 7 years old. Arabica trees produce up to twelve pounds of coffee, whereas a Robusta bush produces around twice as much so Robusta beans are much lower in cost than Arabica.
The taste of the beans
Arabica beans contain less caffeine than Robusta, but they are still considered the superior in taste. Arabica tends to have a sweeter taste with flavour notes of chocolate and sugar, it has also been said that the beans have hints of fruits and berries.
Robusta beans produce a stronger and more distinctive flavour and often have a slightly more bitter taste than Arabica beans. High quality Robusta beans are used in espresso blends to provide a fuller taste and a better crema.
We hope you’ve discovered something new from this blog, please browse our range of coffee beans to find the right one for you!