Posted on: MAR 7, 2024
We know that nothing beats ordering your favourite coffee at a coffee shop, but wouldn’t it be great to master brewing it at home too? So here is our ultimate guide to making your favourite coffee at home, from fan favourite coffees such as the Flat White, to using that cafetiere that’s at the back of your cupboard.
Follow our simple step-by-steps, which include our recommendations and the history of your favourite coffee. We hope this helps you to brew great coffee from home!
III - How To Make a Flat white
IV - How To Make a Cafetiere Coffee
How to make a Macchiato
A macchiato coffee, sometimes referred to as an espresso macchiato, consists of a shot of espresso, topped with foamed milk. This foamed milk adds a hit of creaminess to the espresso. Traditionally, a macchiato coffee is designed to not be stirred, drinking the foam first and then the espresso.
Macchiato coffee has evolved since its invention, with variations being found around the world. For example, latte macchiato coffee, where the main ingredient is milk and espresso is added to it.
Macchiato translates to ‘spotted’ or ‘stained’ in Italian, referring to the spot of milk added to the espresso. The macchiato is said to have been created in the 1980S, by baristas wanting a distinction between a plain espresso and one which includes milk.
Making a macchiato:
Step 1: Make the espresso, we recommend La Esperanza from Guatemala.
Step 2: Froth or steam the milk.
Step 3: Pour the milk by starting far away with the jug and drawing the jug in, onto the centre of the espresso.
Take a look at our in-depth guide to making a macchiato at home!
How to make an Americano Coffee
As you may know, an Americano coffee is just espresso and hot water. It can be served in a couple of different ways, half espresso, half water or 1/3 espresso, 2/3 hot water (for a milder coffee). Traditionally, an Americano coffee does not include milk, but many people now add it in. This is really up to you and your preference.
The americano dates back to the second World War, when American soldiers based in Italy didn’t enjoy the strong espresso coffee. Consequently, the soldiers created their own coffee, now known as the americano, which is a lot closer to filter coffee, that they were used to drinking back in America.
Making an Americano:
Step 1 – Brew the espresso, we recommend Kericho AB for an Americano.
Step 2 – Boil your preferred measure of water and pour this into your cup. Then add the espresso. Adding the espresso to the water keeps the crema on the top of the coffee.
Step 3 – Add any extras if you wish, such as steamed milk or sugar.
How to make a Flat White
Gaining its popularity relatively recently, the flat white coffee has started to become a fan favourite in recent years. A flat white is a single or double shot of espresso, these espresso shots are restricted, to increase the strength. A flat white also contains steamed milk infused with air, unlike a cappuccino, only a small amount of aeration is used to produce what is called a ‘microfoam’. Pouring the special milk is vital to a good flat white, but when done correctly it produces a creamy taste and a very smooth texture.
The flat white was first produced in the 1980’s, with Australia and New Zealand both claiming its invention. It is said that coffee drinkers were dissatisfied with drinking cappuccinos all the time and wanted an espresso with less foam, so the flat white was created. It was then adopted by the coffee market, as a way of showcasing speciality coffee.
Making a Flat White:
Step 1 - Steam your milk, making sure to create a microfoam by adding air.
Step 2 – Towards the end of steaming your milk, brew your espresso. We recommend our Flirt Blend for a Flat White.
Step 3 – Pour the textured milk carefully into the espresso, start with the jug far away from the cup and then draw it in closer.
See our full in-depth guide to making a Flat White.
How to make a Cafetière Coffee
This cafetiere is one of the most ubiquitous methods of brewing coffee at home. The cafetiere is a full immersion method for brewing coffee, meaning that the ground coffee is in full contact with the water, for the whole brew. The cafetiere is a cheap and simple method to brew your coffee, but allows for a large amount of flexibility, which is great.
The complete ‘all-in-one’ style cafetiere was invented by an Italian designer in 1929. However, the first cafetiere design dates back to the late 1800s, which was made from a simple metal or cheesecloth screen, attached to a rod that separated the coffee grounds after adding them to boiling water. We call the below cafetiere a French Press, because the French adopted the design and we discovered it there.
Brewing Guide:
Grind: Fairly coarse - somewhere between granulated sugar and rock salt. We recommend our Blue Mountain Blend, you can even buy it specially ground for a cafetiere!
Ratio: We recommend starting with 8g of coffee per 100ml of water for a French Press.
Prep: Pre-heat the French Press first, so it maintains its’ temperature.
Time: Let it brew for about 4-5 minutes before pressing, with the lid off.
Serving: Then plunge and leave a further few minutes, before transferring into a jug.
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